Student Ministry
Welcome to ACCCN Youth/Student Ministries!
Student Ministry Mission/ Vision Statement
ACCCN Student Ministry exists to glorify God by making young disciples of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, we strive to preach the Gospel, to teach God’s Word, and to exemplify living faith to our students.We envision our students to be born-again by putting death to their old self and living a new, born-again life with Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit; We envision our students to not only be the disciples of Christ but also become makers of other disciples through evangelism, mission, and service in the church.
Sunday School classes each Sunday at 09:45 am – 11:10 am
Youth Group meets on Friday night of every month at 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
- Contact: Coleman Schnaak (Student Ministry Minister)
- Email: